Appointment Tutoring

The MSLC offers 30-minute Recurring Appointment Tutoring


Appointments are best used for students who find they would like more assistance than they're able to receive in drop-in tutoring or at office hours. Recurring appointments meet with the same tutor, same time, each week. Fill out the appointment request form.  Requests will close Thursday, April 3rd. 


We offer free recurring appointments for OSU students enrolled in Columbus courses: 

Math 1050, 1075, 1120/21

Math 1130, 1131, 1140/41

Math 1148, 1149, 1150

Math 1151, 1152, 1156, 1172, 1181H

Math 2153, 2173, 2174, 2177, 2182H

Math 2255, 2415, 2568, 3345


Location and Maps to Find your Tutor Room

All appointments occur in Cockins Hall.

For additional assistance with directions, please call the MSLC at 614-688-3157



Our expectations are created with the learner in mind.  Through assisting on homework, our goal is to help you understand and make sense of the mathematics.  Learning and being successful in math requires more than memorization of formulas and procedures.  Learning math requires each student to reason through and make sense of why procedures work and the concepts behind them.  It requires students to make connections across mathematical topics and between algebraic notation and graphs.  To create an environment which supports these goals, we have the following expectations of you, as well as expectations for your interactions with the tutor.

  • Tutoring should be used in combination with attending lecture and recitation.  Not only is there not enough time in the tutor session, but your instructors have valuable knowledge as instructors that our tutors cannot replace.
  • Come to tutoring with questions in mind.  You'll get the most out of tutoring if you've already started the homework and identified problems which cause difficulty or if you come with questions regarding your lecture/recitation.
  • It is important that you are the one doing most of the writing and thinking to develop your own understandings.  Our tutors are trained to ask you questions to help you think through problems, not to do problems for you. 
  • Please be respectful of the tutor's time as well as others needing appointments.  If you need to cancel, do so at least 12 hours in advance using the OnCourse cancelling instructions below and also notify your tutor.  After a third cancellation or no-show during the semester, your remaining appointments will be cancelled.

  • Be on time. Tutors will only wait 10 minutes past your scheduled start time.  Your session will also end promptly at the ending time as there may be a student scheduled after you.
  • To maintain a welcoming and professional environment, all students and tutors are required to follow the OSU Student Code of Conduct while in MSLC spaces or engaging in tutoring.


Please note, our tutors are peer undergraduate tutors who have recently taken the course and received a B+ or higher.  That means they may not know all the answers right away but are in an excellent position to work through the problems with you and give you student to student advice on the course.